Obtaining the letter required a few hours of psychiatric evalua- tion and after I finished I arranged for my wife to talk to the psy- chiatrist in an attempt to further resolve if my cross-dressing and FPE activities were aggravating her problems of headaches, tension and in- somnia. After several hours the psychiatrist concluded that there appeared to be no direct connection between my activities and my wife's problems. My wife is of the temperment such that emotionally she can not accept transvestism and she is best able to cope with it by never hearing, seeing or in any way getting involved with anything to do with transvestism. So that is how we continue to handle the situa tion. The only contact she now has with my transvestism is a note I make on the kitchen calendar once a month marking the date of my **meeting.**
With the passing of the years my wife has gradually come to the point where she feels I am quite safe in public as a woman. I am deep y grateful for the freedom she gives me on my once-a-month jaunts and last year she generously agreed to my spending a glorious week as Maureen at Dream 7 in Oregon.
My wife is well aware of the extremely severe police handling of men-in-dresses in Denver and she realizes that my efforts toward maximum passability are necessary to survive safely. The Denver police take the position that any man dressed as a woman is either a homosexual or a criminal. Transvestites, unoperated transsexuals, and female impersonators in public are all arrested and booked as homosexuals. The penalty is usually one day in jail, $100 fine and a permanent police record as a homosexual. Two of our chapter girls have been picked up by the police this way and suffered badly. Those who contest it get a public trial with newspaper coverage which usual- ly results in loss of job and family tragedy. The only way to survive is to look, act and talk like a woman so thoroughly that even a police of- ficer wouldn't guess. As severe as this police situation seems, it has the dubious advantage of forcing FPs to either achieve passability or else stay out of the public eye.
In keeping with the absolute necessity for staying out of trouble I carefully follow Virginia's advice of avoiding going out dressed with another FP that is dressed. Practically all of my hours in public are spent strictly alone. All contacts in public are made only as a woman. I have never revealed to anyone in my public life as Maureen that I am